What is best practice with junior leaders (under 18 years old)?

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Managing Junior Leaders (those under 18 years of age) needs as much care as we give the process with adult leaders. Here are the main points:

  • Safe Ministry Check – Under 18 year olds cannot obtain a WWCC, but they do need to complete the Safe Ministry Check
    for 13-17 year olds. Note that this document needs to be counter signed by a parent.

    SPECIAL NOTE: Should any person completing this form disclose that they have been convicted of, charged with or accused of sexual abuse of a child or young person, the Senior Minister or their delegate must obtain advice from the Director of the PSU about disclosures of this type before any decision about appointing the person is made.
    This advice can be sought via the contact form (choose ‘PSU Director’ as the recipient) or by calling 02 9265 1561

  • Screening – We should be as vigilant with our screening of Junior Leaders as we are with adults (a high percentage of sexual abuse of children is peer-to-peer abuse). Therefore, every church should use a comprehensive screening policy that includes using a role application form such as this document.

  • Safe Ministry Training – The Safe Ministry To Children Ordinance 2020 now mandates Safe Ministry Training for all volunteer church workers who work with children – including those we call Junior Leaders.
    The Junior Leaders Course is the mandated course of training, However, at the discretion of the rector or his delegate, a Junior Leader who is 16 or 17 years of age who is regarded as sufficiently mature can complete the Essentials course rather than the Junior Leader course. Any decision to do this should be made in consultation with the Junior Leaders’ parents.

Any further questions: please contact your local church Safe Ministry Representative,  Safe Ministry Training Support or the Safe Ministry Parish Consultant.